Word of Mouth
Check out the reviews we’re getting at Red Chair Highland. Our commitment to our learners and unparalleled passion for Digital Inclusion has not only helped fuel our growth, but has also contributed to building a stellar reputation among the public. We love hearing from our learners and our referrers so if you have feedback please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Pam Urquhart, Operations Manager - Inverness Foodstuff
Inverness Foodstuff (IF) is a charity providing homeless and other vulnerable persons with three-course vegetarian lunches, along with other services, in their drop-in café, three times per week in Inverness. IF are delighted to be working in partnership with Red Chair Highland who are providing an invaluable service improving both digital inclusion and digital skills, as well as practical support and help for IF participants like Roger.
Roger (not real name), a man in his sixties with a history of alcohol abuse is diabetic, has mobility problems and lives alone. His abuse of alcohol can mean there are periods when his lifestyle is chaotic, often resulting in him not managing his diabetes, which can put his life at risk. We saw this first-hand when Roger collapsed at IF, and we had to call an ambulance, resulting in Roger being hospitalised. When Roger’s phone was stolen, we were concerned that his life was at risk if he didn’t have the means to phone for medical help should he need it, and we referred him to Red Chair Highland for a phone.
Red Chair Highland were able to provide Roger with a smartphone and sim card, setting it up for him and offering him support and advice on using the smartphone. Not only is Roger using the phone to make calls etc. but it has also changed his life for the better in two significant ways. Firstly, Roger is using his smartphone to manage his diabetes. Through placing a sensor on his arm, he is able to scan the sensor using the app on his phone to get a glucose reading which indicates whether he needs insulin or not. The app also provides information on how his glucose levels have reacted to food, exercise etc. and this information is also relayed to the medical team treating his diabetics.
Secondly, Roger is now able to get his shopping delivered. Roger has to use a walking stick since his mobility has deteriorated, resulting in him not being to carry shopping or get to the shops, so he has been struggling to buy the groceries he needs. Red Chair Highland helped him to download the Tesco app and helped him to do his first online shop. Having groceries delivered has made a huge difference to Roger as not only is he able to get the essential items he needs, he is also eating better, which has improved his health.
Roger is just one of the Inverness Foodstuff’s participants who has benefited not just from Red Chair Highland providing a digital device, but also their practical assistance and support on how to use his device to make positive changes to his life. Thank you Red Chair Highland for the positive difference you have made to Roger’s life and many other Inverness Foodstuff participants.

Vicky Macleod, Custody Link Worker - HTSI
Client (M) was referred to the Custody Link Project after being arrested, M had many contributing factors which had led to his arrest.
M has mental health problems, suicide ideation, risk of being homeless and was currently being assessed by his GP for various health conditions. M was very isolated and very much on his own with no access to support networks or professionals that would be able to support his recovery, build resilience and work towards positive outcomes. With accessing a phone via Red Chair as part of their SCVO funding it made the following possible for M:
Being able to contact his link worker who can link him to various support networks
Make GP appointments and attend GP appointments via phone
Have access to online Mental Health Support Networks (Mikeysline, Breathing Space)
Gain access to his Universal Credit Journal
Complete application forms that would benefit his financial status
Take part in an online NHS support group as part of his recovery
Have privacy to speak on his own
To reduce isolation
The positive impact that having a phone has had to M would not have been possible without the SCVO funding. M was not in the financial position to be able to purchase a phone, he was finding himself more and more isolated and this had a serious impact on his mental health which resulted in M attempting to take his own life. He now has access to various networks and his managing to take control of his recovery this has been life changing for M.
Red Chair are an asset to our project, the funding they receive has had such a positive impact to a large number of clients in similar circumstances to M. Consistent phone contact is beneficial to us creating a trusting relationship and building meaningful engagement with clients. Without Red Chairs supportive wouldn’t have such positive outcomes. The team are all very welcoming and understand the barriers and factors that are affecting the clients that we support.

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